Real-time train tracking for the MBTA Commuter Rail.
Not affiliated with the MBTA, Keolis, or MassDOT!

Real-time location data

See your train's current stop, next stop, predicted arrival times, GPS location, speed, and more.

Departures board

Boarding track numbers display next to each trip originating from North and South Station. Also view a dedicated departures screen to see the entire departures board.

Crowd-sourced data

Is a prediction wrong? Train delayed mid-trip? Wondering if your train is standing room only? Discuss through the "Reports" button next to each trip.
Passenger reports


Map integration shows you where your train and other in-progress trains are, complete with rail line overlays and stop markers.

Service alerts

View current and upcoming service alerts for each trip.


A full schedule view for each trip with predicted and scheduled arrival times.


View a history of your train's on-time percentage, boarding tracks, and coach numbers.

Late vs. delayed

We tell you how late a train is running before an official delay is announced.

CapeFLYER & Gilette Stadium

Track your trips to the Cape or to Gilette Stadium for special events.
Trip history
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Not affiliated with the MBTA, Keolis, or MassDOT!